4-ingredient Miso Avocado Bowl

6265fda6499dd74b8ff782072e275b7f l - 4-ingredient Miso Avocado Bowl

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - 4-ingredient Miso Avocado Bowl
  • Serves
Author Notes

This might maybe be gussied up with contemporary garlic, a drip of shimmering citrus or some fruity olive oil, nevertheless after making A House within the Hill’s kale noodle bowl for the umpteenth time, I’ve chanced on that for me, making this an on a usual basis meal manner unswerving four straight forward ingredients and the identical explosive flavor. Each and each so over and over I add shaved carrot, steamed edamame, broccoli or sesame seeds, nevertheless here’s the noxious I continuously return to–served sizzling or wintry. (Display conceal: Respectable buckwheat noodles are gluten-free, nevertheless most brands within the U.S. comprise wheat flour.) —Erika


  • little handfuls

    buckwheat noodles

  • 1/2 bunch

    curly kale

  • 1/4 cup


  • 1 tablespoon

    white miso paste, or to style
  • lemon or lime juice, optionally available

  1. In a pot of salted water, cook the buckwheat noodles in step with directions.
  2. At the tip of the noodles’ cooking time, promenade within the kale and proceed to cook till kale is wilted and shimmering green and noodles are done, about 1 minute. Drain.
  3. Meanwhile, mash the avocado and miso paste in a bowl with a fork. Add a squeeze of lemon or lime, if the usage of. Add the noodles and kale (and any optionally available veggies) and promenade to coat. Enjoy!

Author and baker/blogger/photographer living in Houston, transplanted from the Bay Save. I relish vegans, lust after Contemporary York and accept as true with an insatiable ardour for pancakes.

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