Bobo African Dresses For Women V collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe. - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns1716601569 453 Bobo African Dresses For Women V collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe. - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns1716601569 328 Bobo African Dresses For Women V collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe. - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns1716601570 666 Bobo African Dresses For Women V collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe. - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns
Price: 36.62 - 12.21

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International

H3b71ad2b9f584e10a594d739c295c357N - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe GownsHe4e62354b20d41a9bd3120d0ffb5df49t - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns1716601570 347 H9586a37b4a344339932001a1470ed7d7I - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns

Size Chart

1. To purchase this product, carefully crosscheck your measurement on our size chart image and then select the relevant color and size options. (Do not select directly according to your habits.)

2. If you prefer a custom-size, please get in touch through our customer service line.

3. Suggestion of cold water hand washing,do not bleach,please rountine dry cleaning.

4. Note that manual measurements may lead to a difference of 1 to 3 cm in the end-product.

1716601570 701 H0a3730d2c3404db288556329b9aa70c1o - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns

Features & Specifications

The outfit is custom made with polyester. It is soft textured, cool, comfortable and does not irritate human skin.
Fabric: polyester – made in China

Condition: good vintage condition, clean, ready to wear.

All items are vintage pieces, previously loved

All items are photographed in natural lights. Colors also may differ depending on your computer and monitor settings.

If you have any questions about sizing, condition or any concerns Please feel free to contact us with any concern you may have and I will do my best to assist you! ?

He2092d585f234ed492eeeb40d72927acI - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe GownsH3ab4a8020d67498fa743045ffd2ceab1N - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns
1716601571 455 Hda15738dbec8441198d8110b21fd2274A - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Bobo African Dresses For Women V-collar Long Sleeve Maxi Femme Vestidos Kaftan Flowers Print Stripe Summer Design Robe Gowns



Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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