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Price: 15.23 - 2.92

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International

wavy crochet braids senegalese twists 18 inch ombre senegalese twist crochet hair curly ends1.Material:High Temperature Fiber High Quality,crochet hair for black women,Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids .

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2.18inch Crochet Hair.15 Stands/Pack,60g/pack
3.Factory Direct, High quality, Cheap Price Delivery
4.Advantage: Advantage: Natural Shining, Smooth Wavy, No smell.Light and Soft, Very easy to Install,Natural Shining, Smooth Wavy, Light and Soft, Very easy to Install,Hair Tips Can Be Curled To Be Curly or Wavy Ends By Using A Roller in Hot Water.
5.This is a brand new hairstyle,It will bring you a new look, this product is very light and comfortable, you will love it.

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Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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