NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module DIY

NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module - NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module DIY1717479728 88 NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module - NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module DIY1717479729 188 NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module - NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module DIY1717479729 999 NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module - NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module DIY
Price: 1.58

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module DIY

Product Introduction

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - NE555 Motor Speed Regulation Kit Maker DIY Teaching Electronic Manufacturing Technology Board Module DIY

NE555 and foreign components constitute a multivibrator circuit with adjustable duty cycle. The oscillation frequency is between 3-5KHZ. Q1 is a power switch tube. The pulse signal output from the third pin of NE555 is controlled by R2 to turn on and stop the laughing tube Q1. The power switch tube drives the rotation of the DC motor. Adjusting potentiometer RP1 can change the duty cycle of the pulse signal. The larger the duty cycle of the pulse signal, the greater the average current passing through the motor and the faster the speed of the motor. Conversely, the slower the speed of the motor.

1. Potentiometer RP1 is used to adjust the speed of the motor.

2. Potentiometer RP2 is used to adjust the starting speed of the motor.



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