1717701432 777 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Syntheti - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701432 905 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Syntheti - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701432 213 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Syntheti - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701433 27 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Syntheti - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701433 715 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Syntheti - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701433 869 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Syntheti - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension
Price: 7.10 - 12.96

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International


24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension

Braid Name :Yinmei Baibian Senegal Twist Hair
Length : 24 inches
Weight : 100g
Quality : 30 standers per pack

H3f2d141524a749c3aea2177991524157H - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair ExtensionH73234f95694b4984a7241664f7d4454fR - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701435 979 Hf5ca57e221014e90a5dd0bedf49ba9f2l - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701435 605 Ha5b0964075e74262b4aa873f0f8b008bX - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701435 797 H77d3928ae32e4854a00c149ff7f74220Q - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701436 366 H1383e10f643f487b8d598389bbf5d502e - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701436 911 H3e1ec71b2610488eaaa8b6bb7e4dfb5bF - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair ExtensionH37ffc0c881594960aabd8dc00f86aaeaz - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair ExtensionH7255440f8e994131981dd67b959cf385Y - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension
H57fcbfc559484616960d26e26a1643abM - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701438 840 H8bb951a4d1f1408a902f2e700cc02696v - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701438 750 H51a0623d536d4a6da7cfd4638d39ba2eZ - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701438 726 Hc01ae32a7026446e8e4e11479b181a98M - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701439 234 H09521a85d9e44a73a620d7260f80ad08L - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension
1717701439 795 H34ad85ed495c4965bf880a396883d1a5T - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701439 576 Hf98a9b2d58114248a09cff0c2e2ce290h - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701439 668 Hda0b982d43874eb19a4050bfa1a9602dQ - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701439 488 Hc9eb56bc556746489c70081b29a69bafC - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension1717701439 265 Hb16cfa976b9341e39d16a417faa4ee70R - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension


We will ship your order within 24 Bussiness Hours after receiving your verified payment (Excluding Weekends and Public Holidays)

Ship From USA
Orders will be shipped USPS 1st class or UPS. Delivery time lasts approx.
A) United States: 3-7 bussiness days
B) Canada: 7- 10 bussiness days

Ship From China
All shipping including postage and handling fees. Delivery time lasts approx:
(1) United States,: 10-20 business days (weekends not included)
(2) Australia, Canada, United Kingdom: 20-30 business days (weekends not included)
(3) Other countries: Will send with HK post and last 25-30 business days (weekends not included, no guarantee)

Ship From RU

1) Russian Federation: 7-10 bussiness days


1.Why the length is not the same as description?
We measure the length of hair when the hair be stretched to straight, the wavy and curl texture hair
will be much shorter when compared with the straight hair, pay attention to that before you buy, Thank you!

2.Why the weight is not the same as the description?
Because our product was made by machine, it is normal that it will exist 5-10g error.

3.Why does my hair become tangled?
The hair would become tangled due to dryness, oil&dirt build-up,salt waterand not
combing (wide tooth comb) out your hair daily.
Make sure to wash and condition your hair at least once a week, and if possible, twice a week would be better.You may use hydrating drops or consult your stylist for further suggestions.

4.Why does the hair shedding?
After the new product was produced, there will have some floating hair on it,
so when your first coming, the floating hair will fall out, hope you could understand.

5.When will you ship my parcel out after i paid for my order?
There will be a 24-hour payment verifying time by aliexpress,
we will ship the goods within 24-48 hours after the verifying time.

6.How to deal with the odor?
Some of the clients may talk about the odor when receiving the hair.
Dear,there's no need to worry about this, after co-washing and nursing it for some time,the odor will disappear.

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - 24 Inch Senegalese Twist Crochet Braids 30strands/pack Senegal Twists Ombre Blue Pink Brown Synthetic Braiding Hair Extension



Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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