PINK 30g pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool1718691366 191 PINK 30g pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup ToolPINK 30g pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool1718691367 297 PINK 30g pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool1718691367 757 PINK 30g pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool
Price: 7.48 - 0.99

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International

Thank you very much for shopping with us.
Using body painting Pigment to go with our GLITTER SERIES, helps you to have unique, pretty, funky LOOK. Have Fun!
Practice Makes Perfect!

– The size of this COLOR Face and Body paint is 30g/ PC
– Non-toxic Safe Professional Pigment.
-Water activated pigment is ideal for color blending , drawing delicate pattern, big area painting , not staining clothes when changing clothes, and drying up in a short time.
-Water based pigment is NOT water proof.

-Quality guarantee -FDA approved, CPSR approved, Us TRA approved, Lhama Approved.

– Wet the pigment , then apply with a brush, sponge or your fingers! It's painting , so you need to practice more to make it perfect.
– Stays on well and easy to get off with soap and water.
– Children under 6 years old should be use under parental guidance.

H123cf719b6904c3898b766cd1da09d1cz - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup ToolH7ed0638e40ac4e43847e50dbd12d16f15 - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool1718691368 289 H031c95ef6be74a91a221f818c25bf72bF - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool1718691368 115 Hdfcd50220e884a1b858935773ec2d6466 - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool1718691369 134 H6686b7e2582e43d89b108fdbafa6175du - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool


1718691369 942 Sd6a5aa2294ba42fc92b107f4fb41beaee - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool1718691369 535 Sf19cdeb71ec047a694a318aa9865fb62k - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool1718691369 255 Sfc448665173e4c37a085a00a4a842c47Q - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - PINK 30g/pc Water Activated Pink Face Body Paint Makeup In Carnival Party Fancy Dress Beauty Makeup Tool



Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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