1 5 10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x19 - 1/5/10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm - 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x191718929209 210 1 5 10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x19 - 1/5/10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm - 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x191718929210 804 1 5 10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x19 - 1/5/10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm - 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x191718929211 346 1 5 10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x19 - 1/5/10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm - 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x19
Price: 0.95

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International


–Material: 304 stainless steel

–Diameter: 1.0mm 1.2mm 1.5mm 2.0mm 2.5mm 3.0mm 4.0mm 5.0mm

–Waterproof and rustproof

–Strong load capacity

–Strong and durable

–Structure: 7 x 19 (number of shares: 7, number of lines per share: 19).

The package includes: according to your choice.choose your needs from the dropdown menu above.

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - 1/5/10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm - 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x19gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - 1/5/10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm - 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x19

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - 1/5/10Meter Stainless Steel Wire Rope Cable Diameter 1mm - 5mm A2 304 Wire Rope 7x19



Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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