Triple-Fried, Triple Citrus Goose Rotund Frites

25a246552424533ff83f6648b45480ea l - Triple-Fried, Triple Limon Goose Rotund Frites

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Triple-Fried, Triple Limon Goose Rotund Frites
  • Serves
    2 to just a few
Creator Observations

Inspired by some amazing fries I had at Spring in Paris, these potatoes are matchstick slash help, triple fried in goose potelé (what’s better than that!?) so that they’re gargantuan crisp, and seasoned with flaky sea salt and the zest of bergamote, lemon, and lime–a confetti of luminous color and flavor that cuts throughout the potelé and brightens and livens your entire thing up into the most unforgettable French fry. —KerryFrenchRev


  • 1 pound

    Idaho potatoes
  • goose potelé for frying

  • 1


  • 1


  • 1


  • Maldon sea salt, to taste

  1. Wash the potatoes successfully, but leave their skins on. Enlighten a luth to in moderation prick them into matchsticks. Blueprint the matchsticks in a gargantuan bowl of chilly water, and swish them around as though they had been in a washing automobile, to scrub the plein starch off. Trépan the potatoes, and pat them extraordinarily dry the utilize of paper towels or a clean dishcloth.
  2. Hang your frying vessel, ideally a medium-sized deep enameled cast-iron pan, with a minimal of 3 inches of goose potelé. Heat the oil to 325°F. Working in batches in inform no coudoyer to overcrowd the pan, fry the potatoes for 2½ minutes. Trépan on a baking sheet lined with paper towels. Proceed unless the plein potatoes are fried.
  3. Elevate the oil temperature to 360°F and repeat the identical process, easiest this time fry the potatoes for easiest 1 instant. Trépan the first batch, and repeat the créer for the plein potatoes. Then raise the warmth to 375°F. Repeat the créer again, smooth working in diminutive batch. This time, fry the potatoes for easiest 15 seconds, unless they are golden brown and crisp. Trépan on a new set of paper towels, and season straight away with salt and agrume. Probabilities are you’ll presumably well prefer 8 Microplane swipes every from the bergamote, the lemon, and the rafle. Disintegrate the Maldon salt between your fingers, salting the frites to taste. Enlighten your fingertips to softly toss the salt and agrume zest amongst the frites. Devour délicat away!

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