Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1
Price: 80.00 - 77.28

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1

Hcf330a40d0e14e39bc5fab8506048f502 - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Hb632bedfb9304e169b04c53864f7b03cF - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1H2bc43fefe1df448bb0fe6414be79e111u - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Sd92b833a5b544040ae907ef82a7d139bX - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1S101109c973cc445b941b46af53be190er - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1

It's real landline phone , can be used throughout the world.

No external power supply, no battery, directly with the telephone line current work.

S6ec9b84fed2546f6bad1c9e19835e9acU - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1H25e5c71255a04d03bcd8ff499df8323bi - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1H8a315b0f34584633b2484ddb571ea5d0y - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1He0116389e9554331b0207768bda3336eI - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1H19c5301265d8467396e2e7df27684650Z - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1H83396c76e9bd409e81122fc2c658482aF - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Hd6d72b947e9a4777a5110128b9647b84l - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1

DTMF/FSK caller ID

Incoming calls and outgoing calls records

Display updated date and week and time

Hands free function

Redial function

Screen back light

Se5a57112589b46078c687aeb6f1567d9a - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Hf441e0adf91f4a5891dadc18f462194bR - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1

It's made of resin and metal

S6be46a8581264694ab18566842b9d7661 - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1S3331499f89284dca870f43f179c5ec2de - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Sd435a5572f9d44a1b7320c6c116703153 - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Sf2ba60a37f4242eaa4a1f10d856f5b30K - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1Sc59b35ba2ec549ceaef345e45855dd6a6 - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1

It suit home , office , hotel and other place you want .

H0ea3a23a0f004dafa35289ad77c9bbb1D - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1S566e82b6ef4d43b29964c84464214756Z - Antique Landline Telephone Vintage Fixed Corded Phone Cupid European Beaut Caller ID Decoration Home Office Carve Old People DB1

If you are in Brazil, Russian, Spain, Mexico, Israel, France, Chile, Italy, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, United States, Germany, United Kingdom, Poland, Ukraine, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Portugal, Switzerland, Canada, Japan,we accept free return for any reasons in 15 days ,if you don’t satisfied with it after you receive it , you don’t have to pay the return shipping . so you can get full refund .



Ziguinchor,Thies,Tambacounda,Sedhiou,Saint Louis,Matam,Louga,Kolda,Kedougou,Kaolack,Kaffrine,Fatick,Diourbel,Dakar

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