Desktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care FSK DTMF System Adjustable Volume Brightness Speakerphone - Desktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care, FSK / DTMF System, Adjustable Volume & Brightness Speakerphone for SeniorDesktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care FSK DTMF System Adjustable Volume Brightness Speakerphone - Desktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care, FSK / DTMF System, Adjustable Volume & Brightness Speakerphone for SeniorDesktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care FSK DTMF System Adjustable Volume Brightness Speakerphone - Desktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care, FSK / DTMF System, Adjustable Volume & Brightness Speakerphone for SeniorDesktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care FSK DTMF System Adjustable Volume Brightness Speakerphone - Desktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care, FSK / DTMF System, Adjustable Volume & Brightness Speakerphone for Senior
Price: 14.88 - 8.18

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Desktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care, FSK / DTMF System, Adjustable Volume & Brightness Speakerphone for Senior

Package includes: 1 piece of telephone   

The product will be upgraded constantly, the appearance and color may be changed, please don’t mind. And take a consideration before place the order if you have request for color or appearance.  


1. FSK / DTMF caller information automatic identification and display

2. Incoming call number and call time record 50 groups (8 digits) or 32 groups (16 digits)

3. Outgoing call number 14 groups (8 digits) or 8 groups (16 digits) and talk time record

4.LCD brightness is adjustable in 5 levels, 1-99 hours without interruption

5.16 First ringtone selection, press button to set ring volume and hands-free volume, software to set ring volume

6. Button four-speed lock function, hardware two-speed lock function

7.Multiple group selection of closing time 90/95/100/120 180/300 600 / 100MS

8. 8-digit local number setting, automatic filtering of incoming calls

9. Adjustable handle volume

10.3 group alarm function settings, each group of ringtones are different  

H27efe416ffa54e3d869acc9c39e73d17D - Desktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care, FSK / DTMF System, Adjustable Volume & Brightness Speakerphone for Senior
Hfcf52393064c49e9bef56d875833b4f92 - Desktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care, FSK / DTMF System, Adjustable Volume & Brightness Speakerphone for Senior
H1d34bae42cd0436ea1cf980748189d0a4 - Desktop Phone Caller ID Telephone with 4 Picture Care, FSK / DTMF System, Adjustable Volume & Brightness Speakerphone for Senior




Ziguinchor,Thies,Tambacounda,Sedhiou,Saint Louis,Matam,Louga,Kolda,Kedougou,Kaolack,Kaffrine,Fatick,Diourbel,Dakar

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