Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gCordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gCordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gCordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gCordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gCordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g
Price: 33.00 - 29.04

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g

H3b9aaee1c26540bfbc56c50c295b848cr - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g
H0db18a178acb44eb95273fc8577dff3bY - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g

◆high volume

◆hands free

◆fast dial , support 10 phone numbers

◆alarm clock

◆10 kinds of ringtones and alarm tones to choose from .

Sc81fbd1159014fc0aa2183b329a2ebbbv - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gSfc6d77b7edc444379c3cc606d82a7215A - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g
H749ea24d5beb407fa0161b3fe8a5a97eW - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g

◆Large -capacity phone book ( 200 PCS)

◆User personalization volume setting

◆Second support DTMF dialing

H05d9bed3e826474894976cdd4e411248i - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g
Hd6e239d50f9c4c36953140c99debf7deH - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g
H94985aad13cb4e5ca14b4b5f2c57c2d2o - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g
H5859fc4c94c24d7182bf188240fb4848h - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g

◆Send and receives SMS , can store 200 groups of messages

◆call record ,store , find , remove and set back 20 recent incoming , outgoing and missed calls .

◆Provide the screen backlight

◆Offers a variety of security solutions , such as network lock , lock card , lock the cell , machine card interlock

S1bd8aead681844a0b9d0d69fe1d03ce4o - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gSa44ab4646d3646f2970eaab5a663890eq - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gSf64eb887a12648c196ca6484fbb63b6co - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gS2258f52696da40c0b5fb1559e75ccde19 - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gS7d2f8fbfefaa4405a05da6536c513c7co - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4gH60bc32c45d094e8495b4221d78c87bd3V - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g
S6e864b2ee2074b1b82ca5426c28458a2K - Cordless Phone GSM SIM Card Fixed mobile for old people home cell phone aged student Wireless landline Telephone office 2g 3g 4g

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we accept free return for any reasons ,if you don’t satisfied with it after you receive it , you don’t have to pay the return shipping . so you can get full refund .



Ziguinchor,Thies,Tambacounda,Sedhiou,Saint Louis,Matam,Louga,Kolda,Kedougou,Kaolack,Kaffrine,Fatick,Diourbel,Dakar

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