A Shortbread Soaked correct into a Magnificent Syrup aka Hurmasice

17c6175d4e6fdbdfa772d405190dbf6f l - A Shortbread Soaked correct into a Magnificent Syrup aka Hurmasice

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - A Shortbread Soaked correct into a Magnificent Syrup aka Hurmasice
Photograph by Jasmina Gajic
  • Serves
Writer Notes

A nice dessert from, I could seemingly perchance seemingly order the shortbread family, enriched with a nice syrup to invent it far more tasty.

Thus far more tasty and thus far more festive!

This is a truly frail and broken-down recipe, first and most necessary from Bosnia, rather modified to fulfill gluten free viewers needs.

—Jasmina Gajic

  • Shortbread:

  • 300 grams

    rice flour

  • 100 grams

    sorghum flour

  • 250 grams

    butter – room temperature

  • 1 fraction


  • 1 fraction

    egg yolk

  • 1 1/2 tablespoons

    xanthan gum

  • 100 grams

  • Syrup:

  • 400 grams

    caster sugar

  • 400 milliliters


  • 1/4 teaspoon


  • 1/2 fraction

  1. The right ordinary equipment for this dessert is a grater, which goes to be inclined easiest to beautify the shortbread sooner than baking.
  2. Warmth the oven to 200C and line a baking tray with baking paper.
  3. Fold the flours into the wet substances using a spatula and perform it with your fingers. The dough ought to be easy to handle.
  4. Organize the shortbread onto a baking tray leaving the marked size up and bake for 25 minutes or unless you safe a golden shade.
  5. Whereas the shortbread is in the oven baking you are going to have time to invent the syrup. Pour water correct into a sauce pan, add the sugar, lemon rind and nutmeg. Cook on a low heat unless the sugar dissolves and the syrup becomes rather thicker. This is able to seemingly perchance blueprint close approximately 10 minutes. (Frigid the syrup for just a few minutes sooner than using. I obtain it rather disturbing for the present dough to be poured with the present syrup).
  6. Once the shortbreads are baked, blueprint close them from the oven and pour half of the syrup over them. The opposite half prepare dinner for one other 10 minutes or so, unless it becomes thicker. Pour the rest of the syrup over the shortbread and skills them after an hour or so. They perform beef up over time – shield that in mind as correctly.

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