100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust Removal

100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust Removal1717969146 415 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust Removal1717969146 763 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust Removal1717969146 907 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust Removal1717969146 78 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust Removal1717969147 693 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust Removal
Price: 2.91

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust Removal

Product name: Lens wipes
Product specifications: 100 pieces/box
Product size: 60mm*120mm
Product functions: dust removal, cleaning, oil removal, quick drying
Product ingredients: surfactant, ethanol, pure water
Scope of application: used for dust and oil removal of various lens lenses, and can also be used for experiments, cleaning and care of laboratory instruments such as microscopes, magnifying glasses, and display screens.
Instructions for use: Tear open the package, take out the wipes and unfold them. First, wipe the entire lens with a wet wipe
Wipe it once to form a foam covering, then fold the paper towel in half and wipe it gently in one direction. Use a towel to collect excess liquid, and wait for 5-10 seconds until the anti-fog liquid on the lens is completely dry to use.

Note: Do not use other wet wipes to wipe the lens surface that has been coated with anti-fog coating. Avoid rinsing with water, otherwise the existing anti-fog coating on the lens will fail or degrade.
Anti-fog effect.

Package includes:

100PCS Eyeglass Cleaning Pads

Sb8944d5b74984cde8d16184819cc3d87b - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust RemovalSe2e304daebac4d8897e4016e63de4ad5B - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust RemovalSba45a0c2ee1e4eb5b2005f16cc166b79o - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust RemovalSa827d0dca4b34fe585941758da3342efv - 100Pcs Disposable Eyeglass Cleaning Pads Traceless Quick Drying Mobile Phone Screen Wipes Remove Oil Dust Removal



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