for Delphi Head Rotor 7180-655L

2024 02 16 081532 bcdf0379 - for Delphi Head Rotor 7180-655L

40 000 FCFA


for Delphi Head Rotor 7180-655L
Tina Chen
Whatsapp: 86-133/869/01379
The products are quality assured to ISO9001: 2015
#for Delphi diesel Pump Rotor Head 7123-340J#
#for Delphi diesel Pump Rotor Head 9050-222L#
#for Delphi Head Rotor 7180-655L#
China Lutong is one of professional manufacturer engaged in diesel fuel injection system, such as head rotor, plunger, d.valve, nozzles etc for Toyota, Nissan, Isuzu, Mitsubishi,Scan, Man, Merderz,Iveco etc. Also head rotor for DPA, DPS, DP200.


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Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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