My Lady 30 Synthetic Senegalese Twist Braided Wigs Blown Black Long Straight Party For Afro - My-Lady 30\1718102827 857 My Lady 30 Synthetic Senegalese Twist Braided Wigs Blown Black Long Straight Party For Afro - My-Lady 30\1718102827 975 My Lady 30 Synthetic Senegalese Twist Braided Wigs Blown Black Long Straight Party For Afro - My-Lady 30\1718102828 499 My Lady 30 Synthetic Senegalese Twist Braided Wigs Blown Black Long Straight Party For Afro - My-Lady 30\1718102828 745 My Lady 30 Synthetic Senegalese Twist Braided Wigs Blown Black Long Straight Party For Afro - My-Lady 30\1718102829 244 My Lady 30 Synthetic Senegalese Twist Braided Wigs Blown Black Long Straight Party For Afro - My-Lady 30\
Price: 126.06 - 93.92

Aliexpress en partinariat avec Mondial Annonce International

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - My-Lady 30\Product Information

Material: 100% Heat Resistant Fiber

Wig Type: Lace Front Hand Make Braid Wig

Length: 30inches

Gross Weight: 580g

Advantage of choosing us

1.Fast shipping and good service

2.More fashion hair you want

3.Using the best texture to make the hair

4.The product matches the picture,protect your legal rights

S39b272f1704e477e9cceefc18d7144670 - My-Lady 30\Sf6d86b7cbb3e429da1305e445428298bV - My-Lady 30\S3737118a0b6241438f088888f855a144G - My-Lady 30\S00ed6bf38d8147d5937c01eb48c1ab26I - My-Lady 30\Sc030069895c045c98486840eb5d5332bp - My-Lady 30\S2ac250c300e6489d909f0ede6da55a70k - My-Lady 30\

Model Show

1718102831 596 S33285a6be1a14631b26d662c4dbd566c9 - My-Lady 30\1718102832 170 S27c117eda975457fa6484cd4c29e1d58Y - My-Lady 30\1718102832 881 Sb151cf5de47d40eba7085b95cd907df01 - My-Lady 30\

Color Show

1718102833 276 S61241dc70dee4c31ab64799c4bf1f98bg - My-Lady 30\1718102833 476 S07e9849566f84e9c8ad8184025e73837F - My-Lady 30\gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - My-Lady 30\gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - My-Lady 30\1718102835 948 Se22acb3bd3f44abcab306f8cd6547d72j - My-Lady 30\


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1718102835 239 Hec08bb9d4a744fc9a94bb91ee9667f20S - My-Lady 30\1718102835 567 H4827190b35d343b79f814648e221dba6e - My-Lady 30\1718102835 355 H42bec9cc15bd4ceaad0574cd4e682f13F - My-Lady 30\1718102835 861 H6de15e0fd1d046b8ac2f893c5d780d112 - My-Lady 30\1718102835 494 H0e7624ef94db4881b34aa6bdd68a78feQ - My-Lady 30\1718102835 198 H5b78233201a54ed2b05f786669decaa0b - My-Lady 30\


1.Why the length is not the same as description?

We measure the length of hair when the hair be stretched to straight, the wavy and curl texture hair will be much shorter when compared with the straight hair, pay attention to that before you buy, Thank you!

2.Why the weight is not the same as the description?

Because our product was made by machine, it is normal that it will exist 5-10g error.

3.Why does my hair become tangled?

The hair would become tangled due to dryness, oil&dirt build-up,salt waterand not combing (wide tooth comb) out your hair daily.

Make sure to wash and condition your hair at least once a week, and if possible, twice a week would be better.You may use hydrating drops or consult your stylist for further suggestions.

4.Why does the hair shedding?

After the new product was produced, there will have some floating hair on it,so when your first coming, the floating hair will fall out, hope you could understand.

5.When will you ship my parcel out after i paid for my order?

There will be a 24-hour payment verifying time by aliexpress,we will ship the goods within 24-48 hours after the verifying time.

6.How to deal with the odor?

Some of the clients may talk about the odor when receiving the hair.

Dear,there's no need to worry about this, after co-washing and nursing it for some time,the odor will disappear.




Thies,Saint Louis,Dakar

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