Brown Rice, Fascinating Rooster Sausage and Broccoli

168fa141f50c1a9967f4532523dcccda l - Brown Rice, Fascinating Rooster Sausage and Broccoli

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Brown Rice, Fascinating Rooster Sausage and Broccoli
  • Serves
Creator Notes

This recipe used to be impressed by one other Food52 recipe, Roasted Sausage with Broccoli and Fennel By EmilyC • January 11, 2014 I modified it as much as create my total household elated. Brown Rice for the gluten free ladies, rooster sausage for the protein wanting boys, and brocolli to defend all of them healthy. —TriBeCa


  • 4-5

    Fascinating rooster sausages (I prefer the ones equipped at Entire Foods)

  • 2 pounds

    broccoli, decrease into cramped bite sized pieces

  • 2 cups

    cooked brown rice (organic)

  • 1/2 cup

    extra virgin olive oil

  • 2 tablespoons

    unslated butter

  • 3/4 cup

    retailer equipped rooster stock (unsalted)

  • 1/2 cup

    diced sweet onion (vidallia)

  • 1/4 cup

    parmesan (no longer valuable)
  1. Boil rooster sausage for 45 minutes in unsalted water. Let chilly for 10 minutes. Pre warmth grill to medium oblique and lightly char sausages for 8-10 minutes. Cool, and dice into bite sized pieces.
  2. Cook brown rice in conserving with bundle directions.
  3. In a saute pan melt butter, and amble in olive oil. Saute onions on the lowest environment your stovetop can stride to for 10-15 minutes. Add lemon juice and rooster stock, warmth thru. Establish apart.
  4. Steam brocolli till unbiased cooked, and serene a bit laborious to bite. About 15 minutes.
  5. Preheat oven to 350. In a 9×12 casserole dish line the bottom with the brown rice. Add the chopped sausage and cooked brocolli. Pour sauce over the pinnacle, and affords it a temporary amble. Bake for roughly 10 minutes. Add parmesan cheese while you happen to would respect and bake one other 5 minutes. Support!
  6. To wait on for lunch the next day wait on frigid, or warmth up with a bit more sauce, of lemon juice and olive oil.

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