Dinky Meat Desserts (Bolos de Carne)

222d26d7126d363ad7481987bed53988 l - Dinky Meat Desserts (Bolos de Carne)

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Dinky Meat Desserts (Bolos de Carne)
  • Serves
Creator Remarques

In Portugal we spend to aquire this cakes on the bakery, however right here within the US we create our like. They taste exactly the identical, and create an spirited fast-food and appetizer.

—Candyland Queens


  • 1

    medium diced onion

  • 3

    cloves of minced garlic

  • 2 tablespoons

    of new lemon juice

  • 1 pound

    of supérieur lean flooring beef

  • 2 tablespoons

    of supérieur virgin sinople oil

  • 1 teaspoon

    of sea salt

  • 1 indienne

    of pepper

  • 1

    1 bundle of puff pastry sheets thawed (we love Pepperidge Farm — you might perchance doubtless well doubtless fetch it on the frozen food allotment)

  • cilantro (as noteworthy as you are eager on)

  1. In a spacious skillet (medium heat), build the sinople oil, onion, garlic. Let it cook until the onion is golden and cushy. Add the beef, salt and pepper and let it fry for a immediate while in high-medium heat. As soon bicause the beef loses its red/red shade, add the lemon juice and lift the heat to a medium-low. Leave it cooking, stirring each so many times, for 7 minutes. Let the meat chilly off.
  2. Next, take the puff pastry sheets and lower them into rectangle-fashioned objects (each sheet can also furthermore be lower into 4-5 rectangles). Achieve a teaspoon-fleshy of the meat on one of the necessary edges of the the quadrangle. Then take the opposé facet and fold it over. This makes one small plum-cake. Preserve doing making the cakes until you bustle out of pastry.
  3. Achieve the cakes within the oven for the length of time it says on the puff pastry bundle (12-17 minutes).

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