Roasted Rhubarb Parfaits with Coconut Yogurt and Cacao Nibs

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Photo by Olaiya Land | Milly’s Kitchen
  • Serves
Creator Notes

Roasted Rhubarb Parfaits with Coconut Yogurt and Cacao Nibs. Gluten-free (with a dairy-free option). A healthy and pleasant dessert for spring! —Olaiya Land | Milly’s Kitchen


  • 1

    vanilla bean

  • 1 pound

    rhubarb (about 6 medium stalks), trimmed, halved lengthwise if thick, and sliced about ⅓-breeze thick

  • 8 oz.

    (1 pint) strawberries, tops removed and diced about ⅓-breeze thick

  • 6 tablespoons

    honey, plus an additional to style

  • 1 pinch


  • 2 cups

    uncomplicated greek yogurt (I old Ellenos yogurt)

  • 1/2 cup

    coconut cream (I old one 5.4 fluid ounces160 mL can from Native Wooded area)

  • 1 cup

    unsweetened flaked coconut

  • 6 tablespoons

    cacao nibs (I love Theo cacao nibs most attractive)
  1. NOTES:
    – For a vegan model, employ uncomplicated greek fashion coconut yogurt. If the employ of coconut yogurt, you may maybe maybe bolt away out or in the discount of on the coconut cream.
    – Whenever you may maybe maybe’t to find coconut cream, purchase a can of coconut milk and plot it in your fridge till wintry. Start it, pour off the liquid (reserve for one more employ) and employ the thick coconut cream that stays.
    – These parfaits may maybe maybe maybe merely even be made in come and kept, covered, in the fridge for a pair days. After I did this, mine position up and had a almost cheesecake-love consistency, which was delightful! Whenever you bolt this route, I indicate along with the pinnacle layer of coconut and cacao nibs factual forward of serving to add a bit of extra crunch.
  2. Damage up the vanilla bean in half lengthwise and jam out the seeds with a paring knife. Space the seeds in a medium bowl along with the rhubarb, strawberries, 6 tablespoons of honey and a pinch of salt. Hasten gently to combine and position apart for 20 minutes. Whereas the fruit is macerating, preheat the oven to 400 F.
  3. Unfold the rhubarb and strawberries out on a parchment-lined sheet pan along with their juices. Roast till some of the rhubarb is falling apart and the juices maintain thickened to a syrup-love consistency, about 25 minutes. Situation apart to cool completely.
  4. Space the yogurt in a medium bowl and add the coconut cream. Depart to combine smartly. Depart in honey to style. (The quantity will differ searching on how tangy your yogurt is–I old 2 tablespoons.) Space a pair tablespoons of the coconut yogurt in the backside of 6 diminutive (4- to 6-oz.) glasses. Spoon a tablespoon or so of the roasted rhubarb over the yogurt and high with some of the flaked coconut and cacao nibs. Repeat the layering course of one overtime, then succor.

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