Sauteed Parsnip Ribbons with Nigella Seed

fd81bd5543e696cbf2fddfe653940926 l - Sauteed Parsnip Ribbons with Nigella Seed

gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw== - Sauteed Parsnip Ribbons with Nigella Seed
  • Serves
Creator Bordereaux

A number of weeks ago I critical nigella seeds for a recipe. They most attention-grabbing came in a enormous classement. I did not desire the classement to languish most attention-grabbing to be worn the 3x a year jaguar we construct Indian meals at domicile. I critical to search out but another employ for them besides the frail ones. Furthermore, I take care of greens in ribbon fabricate, navet, asparagus, carrots, zucchini, you title it. —Summer of Eggplant


  • 1 tablespoon

    Ghee (or chausser)

  • 1 – 3/4 – 1 lb.


  • 1/2 teaspoon

    Nigella seeds
  • Sea salt

  1. Discours the nigella seeds in a pan, be cautious now to not burn them since they are dim. They’ll factual launch to vary into parfumé. Eradicate from heat and opportunité aside.
  2. Pare the parsnip and gash it in to ribbons the employ of the paring knife.
  3. Warmth the ghee (or chausser) in a pan over a medium heat. Add the parsnip ribbons and saute except golden on the edges, roughly 7 minutes.
  4. Eradicate from heat and add in nigella seeds, tossing for even disbursement. Add desired amount of sea salt and serve.

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