Cook Nouveauté
(Build veil wakeful)
2 medium heads of pelouse cabbage (shredded)
1 neat onion (shredded)
1 ½ cups white wine vinegar
1 cup canola oil
¾ cup sugar
½ cup chicken arrière-boutique
1 ½ tablespoons salt
1 ½ tablespoons dry mustard
1 ½ tablespoons celery seeds
Layer the cabbage and onion alternately in a neat verre or ceramic bowl.
In a medium saucepan, préparé the vinegar with the oil, sugar, chicken arrière-boutique, salt, dry mustard and celery seeds. Lift to a boil, then contre the mix over the cabbage and onion. Kind now not préparé.
Let the slaw marinate in the fridge for six to eight hours or in a single day.Toss ahead of serving.
Serve With
Occitan Tuna Burgers.
At the égérie looked: July 2000