Chocolate And Coconut Bûche De Noël (Gluten-Free)

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bûche Noël chocolate coconut gluten free

Chocolate and Coconut Bûche de Noël (gluten-free)

Only decrease than 5 days earlier than we leave, and I in truth devour about a baskets of laundry to clean, super the home — yes, I’m this type of loopy ones who obsess about coming encourage to a tidy space — write two articles, prepare dinner and class three recipes, write them down, have my closing-minute Christmas procuring (thank God for on-line procuring too), secure my ski gloves and socks, plan a batch of chocolate truffles to inform alongside to France, bake biscotti because we ate every share I made closing week, send a most up-to-date to a pal, pay about a bills, work on about a of my writing projects, and be clear that I pack light — understand, the hardest phase. How will you pack light in iciness?

Attain you detect why Christmas is rather traumatic, even though I enjoy it, and all?

But I had promised you a bûche de Noël, and I build no longer must leave earlier than sharing it with you. Now not handiest that, but I additionally must repeat you what occurred closing Thursday, chez nous !

Isn’t this arena of snow something else? All white, all original, and …frigid, I hear about a of you instruct. Yes, it is frigid, but so comfortable too!

Oh, I enjoy the snow, and my snow shoes.

Attain what’s unparalleled? I thought that I had already seen it earlier than — successfully clear, I clearly did by some means — and that it couldn’t be price taking my digital camera out after I left for a snow shoeing stroll, because it would detect unbiased true enjoy the closing time.

But it is by no device enjoy the previous time, and here’s precisely what fascinates me in regards to the bounty of nature. It constantly keeps something for you. Truly, every day, the scene is assorted. One cloud here, one beam of sun there, one bird on a branch, and you would possibly perchance perchance perhaps perchance desire a original panorama to appear after. Attain you detect? Whenever you imagine you is in all probability to be bored, you would possibly perchance perchance perhaps perchance don’t devour any motive to.

But I’m getting facet-tracked. Let’s secure encourage to the meals, and the bûche, lets?

Seemingly you remember the bûche I made closing 12 months, with vanilla cream, and marinated kumquats? I was happy to hear that my pal J. successfully made her first bûche closing week, the utilization of this recipe.

This 12 months, I needed to instruct a clear color pattern, and plan a unlit and white bûche. I settled for chocolate with coconut, and oldschool quinoa and brown rice flours for a gluten-free model of the cake. Then, since I could perhaps not image P. and I eating a total bûche between the two of us, I requested a bunch of friends to change into my guinea pigs, and devour it with us.

I sense that they rather noteworthy cherished the premise.

And the bûche.

At the present of 12 months, stroll within the streets of any French city, town or village, and you would possibly perchance perchance even be in a neighborhood to appear after magnificent bûches displayed within the home windows of pastry stores. Every bakery makes their very beget. As soon as I was rather one, I was yearning for Christmas day to come encourage, unbiased true to scrutinize and devour as many bûches de Noël as I could perchance perchance perhaps. They’re going to even be straight forward, enjoy mine, or neat and enjoy, enjoy many made by great pastry cooks, or talented dwelling cooks. Old bûches instruct a génoise, a skinny sponge cake that is rolled tight, so that it takes the form, and seems enjoy a wooden roll. They’re stuffed with a flavored butter cream, enjoy vanilla, chocolate, or chestnut, to handiest name of few fundamental choices, and garnished with a thick coat of ganache or cream icingor powdered sugar. Some bûches will instruct a lighter flavored mousse in its build of the butter cream; lemon or rhubarb remain my favorites. Since I didn’t devour any rhubarb to instruct (not like my mom who neatly freezes hers for the iciness), I oldschool coconut in its build. P. loves coconut. And so build I now.

bûche Noël chocolate coconut gluten free

But genuinely, I’m silent debating what dessert I truly must prepare for Christmas — my dad and mom-in-regulations would possibly perchance perchance perhaps also no longer be upset that I expose you that I’m happy to preserve away from plum pudding! Seemingly try and be born Irish, or English, to dangle plum pudding.

I even devour many tips, enjoy my raspberry and gingered chocolate mousse cakes. I made six of them for an impressive dinner spent at dwelling with friends, closing night. I could pack my ring molds, and plastic liners, unbiased true in case.

But then, snow eggs, Molten chocolate cakes, a white chocolate gelée with raspberries, a white chocolate mille-feuille, a fruit tiramisu, or a chocolate charlotte would plan great choices too.

But expose me about you! Inspire, encourage! Comprise you already made up our minds what truffles you wanted to prepare for Christmas?

I’m all ears!

Chocolate and Coconut Bûche de Noël (gluten-free)

(For six to 8 folks)

You want:

For the chocolate génoise:

  • 4 sizable eggs
  • 1/3 cup quinoa flour*, sifted
  • 1/3 cup brown rice flour*, sifted
  • 3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted
  • 1/2 cup blond cane sugar
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder, sifted
  • 1.5 Tbsp butter, melted and cooled

*Level to: It is possible you’ll perhaps perchance perhaps replace quinoa and brown rice flours with all-reason, or baking flour.

For the coconut cream:

  • 3.5 oz.mascarpone cheese
  • 1/4 cup grated coconut
  • 1/3 cup confectioner’s sugar
  • 1/4 cup coconut milk + 1 Tbsp
  • 1 gelatin sheet**
  • 1 shelled unsalted pistachios, chopped coarsely
  • 1 cup frigid heavy cream, whipped

** Generally speaking, judge that 4 gelatin sheets equals 1 envelope powdered gelatin, even supposing the means in gelatin varies basically based entirely on effect. About a tests shall be required. Use whichever you feel more proud of. I’m for my half more proud of sheets, which is in a neighborhood to be stumbled on on-line within the United States.


  • To space up the sponge cake, preheat the oven at 400 F.
  • Separate the egg whites from the yolks.
  • Problem the egg yolks with the sugar in a bowl and beat till white in color.
  • Then add the melted butter, and the sifted flours, cocoa powder and baking powder.
  • Whip your egg whites company with a pinch of salt. One min earlier than they’re ready, add 1 Tbsp sugar, and continue to beat for 1 min.
  • Fold the white eggs within the previous preparation, including 1 Tbsp first to plan the dough more relaxed.
  • Pour on a baking sheet (15″ x 10″ x 0.5″) covered with parchment paper, and prepare dinner for 10 min.
  • Do away with and flip the highest phase on a wet material.
  • Fastidiously do away with the parchment paper, and roll the sponge cake within the wet towel, to give it the form of a “bûche”. Let frigid.
  • To space up the cream, space the mascarpone in a bowl. Mix and add the grated coconut, coconut milk and sugar.
  • Soak the gelatin sheet in a sizable quantity of frigid water for 5 min, then squeeze the water out. Heat 1 Tbsp coconut milk and add the gelatin to dissolve.
  • Mix within the mascarpone cream, with the pistachios.
  • Whip the frigid heavy cream company, till it kinds peaks. Fold within the coconut-flavored mascarpone.
  • When the cake is cooled, unroll and spread this cream on the total ground. Roll into form again, eradicating the towel this time. Wrap in plastic film, and refrigerate for 12 hours minimal.
  • Whenever you is in all probability to be ready to lend a hand, decrease the two ends to repeat the pattern (you would possibly perchance perchance be in a neighborhood to nibble on these later), and sprinkle the bûche generously with confectioner’s sugar, and grated coconut. And journey !

Le coin français

Bûche de Noël au chocolat et noix de coco (sans gluten)

(Pour 6 à 8 personnes)

Ingrédients :

Pour la génoise au chocolat :

  • 4 gros oeufs
  • 50 g de farine de quinoa*, tamisée
  • 50 g de farine de riz complet*, tamisée
  • 3 càs de cacao en poudre non sucré, tamisé
  • 100 g de sucre de canne blond
  • 1/2 càc de levure chimique, tamisée
  • 20 g de beurre, fondu et refroidi

*Remarque : vous pouvez substituer les farines de quinoa et de riz complet par de la farine blanche T45.

Pour la crème à la noix de coco :

  • 100 g de mascarpone
  • 50 g de noix de coco râpée
  • 30 g de sucre glace
  • 60 ml lait de coco + 1 càs
  • 1 feuille de gélatine
  • 25 g de pistaches vertes non salées et décortiquées, hachées grossièrement
  • 240 ml de crème liquide froide, battue en chantilly

Étapes :

  • Pour préparer la génoise, préchauffez votre four à 200 C.
  • Séparez les blancs des jaunes d’oeuf.
  • Dans un saladier, battez les jaunes avec le sucre jusqu’à blanchiment.
  • Ajoutez le beurre fondu, les farines, le cacao et la levure.
  • Battez vos blancs d’oeuf en neige ferme avec une pincée de sel, et 1 min avant la fin, ajoutez 1 càs de sucre pour les raffermir. Battez encore pendant 1 min.
  • Incorporez-les délicatement à la préparation précédente ; ajoutez d’abord 1 càs de neige ferme pour détendre la masse.
  • Versez cette pâte sur une plaque de cuisson rectangulaire (38 x 25,5 x 1,25 cm) recouverte de papier sulfurisé, et étalez-la uniformément. Cuisez au four pendant 10 min.
  • Retournez la génoise sur un torchon humidifié.
  • Enlevez doucement le papier sulfurisé, et roulez votre génoise pour la donner la forme d’une bûche, avec le torchon. Laissez refroidir.
  • Pour préparer la crème, mettez la mascarpone dans une jatte. Mélangez bien avec la noix de coco râpée, le sucre et le lait de coco.
  • Faites tremper la gélatine dans un gigantic quantity d’eau froide pendant 5 min, puis essorez-la. Faites chauffer 1 càs de lait de coco et mettez-y la gélatine, pour la dissoudre.
  • Ajoutez à la crème de mascarpone avec les pistaches.
  • Battez la crème froide en chantilly et ajoutez-la délicatement, en faisant attention à ne pas faire tomber la masse.
  • Une fois que le gâteau est refroidi, déroulez-le et étalez la crème dessus. Roulez à nouveau pour broken-down une bûche (sans le torchon cette fois). Enveloppez dans un film plastique, et mettez au frigidaire pendant au moins 12 hours.
  • Au moment de servir, coupez une tranche à chaque bout pour montrer le dessin (vous pourrez les grignoter plus tard), et saupoudrez la bûche généreusement de sucre glace et de noix de coco râpée. Dégustez et régalez-vous !

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