Day Tripper Cocktail

recipe checklist

To make expend of loose leaf tea, change ½ teaspoon per accumulate.



accumulate tough unlit tea (akin to Lipton)


cup sugar


teaspoon dried lavender, evenly beaten

cups vodka


cup contemporary lemon juice

Lemon wheels (for serving)


  1. Step 1

    Lift ½ cup water to a simmer in a shrimp saucepan. Grab some distance from heat; add tea. Let steep 4 minutes. Discard tea accumulate. Add sugar and lavender; bring to a boil, stirring to dissolve sugar. Let frigid. Strain syrup trusty into a pitcher and kick back until frigid. Add vodka, lemon juice, and 1 cup water and kick back again until frigid. To serve, divide among ice-crammed rocks glasses; garnish with lemon wheels.

    Step 2

    Set aside Forward: Syrup could furthermore be made 4 days forward; serve chilled. Cocktail could furthermore be made 1 day forward; serve chilled.

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