Home made Apple Compote

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Petits pots de crème aux épices et sa compote de pommes

It became still early because I had insisted that we ate dinner at 7 pm. Bébé makes me ravenously hungry by 6, most evenings.

Qu’est-ce tu veux comme dessert ?” P. asked me while cleansing the table. “Un yaourt ?” (What discontinuance you like for dessert? Yogurt?)

B o r i n nng!” I shouted help, as if I became skittish he could perhaps well now no longer hear me.

Even my current sheep milk yogurt would now no longer discontinuance: I became truly feeling choosy.

We had baggage of magnificent-having a peek Heirloom apples — they’re in all places within the dwelling, truly — a cake I had baked earlier within the week — to hand for my frequent, unexpected afternoon snacks — even a lemon yogurt tart that I had determined to organize boring the evening forward of, on a whim, magnificent love that, because I had now no longer made one in years, and I felt love tasting one. But despite all of those, all I could perhaps well focus on of became a silky and creamy pot de crème, , a dessert staunch same to those ones.

Lemon, Poppyseed Yogurt Tart

Even though I’ve now no longer experienced loopy meals cravings all the very best design thru my pregnancy — a pair of of that you just could contain asked me about it — I truly contain on the opposite hand developed a true opinion about what I’d love to be pleased, and what I discontinuance now no longer favor, it would no longer topic what. Of route, it’s now no longer that I didn’t contain an opinion on my meals forward of — P. could perhaps well confirm that phase — but now extra than ever, I’ve seen that it’s magnificent extra fresh. Repeatedly there, in me.

So I had with out a doubt been severe about these petits pots de crème all week. But by no system managed to organize a batch, frequently working searching time.

Ca sera vite fait, tu verras. On a le temps ce soir,” I told P. as we began to debate other dessert probabilities (This would be rapid ready, you’ll survey. We contain time tonight.)


This dessert would no longer require hundreds of time to be ready. I’ve made varied variants on the an analogous belief, and ceaselessly receive the end result extraordinarily fulfilling. When I became a kid, it became per chance one among the truffles that my brother B. and I usually ate all the very best design thru the week. My mum frequently ready vanilla and chocolate pots de crème for us to luxuriate in at lunch, or dinner. Every so ceaselessly we had one, but I usually begged for a second one. To my delight, I be conscious her usually giving in too.

In this recipe, I made up my mind so to add some fruit. Since I had homemade apple compote within the fridge, I believed it would work effectively with the cream. It would with out a doubt feel love tasting a yogurt with the fruit on the backside. That you just could, truly, net the stout taste of the dessert with a spoonful dipped deep within the jar.

And it worked love a charm.

To open, I infused coconut milk and milk with cinnamon and cardamom; then, I simply added sugar and eggs. The creams had been cooked within the jars placed in a bain-marie for roughly Half-hour within the oven. They had been then left to frigid forward of resting within the fridge.

P. regarded shocked and hesitant. “Aren’t they too hot to be pleased?” he asked after I introduced two jars for us to are trying.

Successfully, yes…no. You are now no longer technically supposed to discontinuance that. But you’ll survey, they’ll be correct the total an analogous.

Didn’t he know that I had been searching forward to this all week?

After one spoonful, I felt my total physique aloof down, playing the second. It became the an analogous feeling of contentment I remembered from after I became a kid. On the second spoonful, I with out warning felt a pair of kicks in my belly.

Eh!” I exclaimed, taken with out warning.

I smiled. It became making bébé relaxed too.

This dessert became easy and correct; a dessert correct pour les grands et les petits (for adults and younger ones).


Spiced Cream with Apple Compote

(For six servings)

You’ll need:

  • 1 cup total milk (are trying soy to be sure that you just a model with out dairy)
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • 6 green cardamon pods, crushed
  • 1/4 cup blond cane sugar
  • 6 tablespoons homemade apple compote

  • Ground cinnamon, to support

Apple compote: I on the total stew 4 to 5 apples (peeled, cored and diced) with 2 to three tablespoons blond cane sugar, and a vanilla pod — other spices too, if I with out a doubt feel to find it irresistible. The compote is ready when it’s delicate and the apples are mushed. It keeps effectively within the fridge for every week. I prefer so to add it to easy yogurt, or spread on a tartine too, and use it in making truffles as effectively.


  • Preheat the oven at 320 F.
  • Divide the apple compote between six microscopic glass jars.
  • In a pot, warmth the milk, coconut milk with the cinnamon stick and cardamom pods. When it’s virtually reaching boiling point, pause the warmth and quilt; let infuse for Half-hour, then filter.
  • For the time being, in one other bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar. Add the infused milk and blend effectively.
  • Pour over the apple sauce, making sure to discard the froth that could perhaps additionally contain formed on the surface of the batter.
  • Drawl the jars in a dish stuffed with boiling water — half system as much as the tip of the jars. Cook dinner for roughly 25 minutes. The creams are ready once they’re still transferring a chunk while you jiggle the jars. Let frigid at room temperature, then assign within the fridge forward of serving. Aid with dusted cinnamon.

Le coin français

Petits pots de crème épicée et compote de pommes

(Pour 6 petits pots)

Ingrédients :

  • 250 ml de lait entier (essayez du lait de soja nature pour une model sans produits laitiers)
  • 180 ml de lait de coco non sucré
  • 3 oeufs
  • 1 bâton de cannelle
  • 6 capsules de cardamome vertes, pilées
  • 50 g de sucre de canne blond
  • 6 càs de compote de pommes maison

  • Cannelle en poudre, pour saupoudrer

Compote de pommes : je fais souvent une model très facile. Pelez et évidez 4 à 5 pommes. Coupez-les en dés et mettez-les dans une casserole avec 2 à 3 càs de sucre de canne blond, et une gousse de vanille fendue et grattée — d’autres épices aussi, si vous aimez. Faites cuire sur feu doux à couvert. La compote est prête quand les pommes sont réduites en purée. Elle se garde bien au frigidaire pendant une semaine. Je l’aime mélangée à des yaourts natures, ou sur des tartines de hassle beurré, ou je l’utilise pour préparer des truffles.

Etapes :

  • Préchauffez le four à 160 C.
  • Divisez la compote entre les 6 pots.
  • Dans une casserole, faites chauffez le lait et le lait de coco avec le bâton de cannelle et les caspules de cardamome. Une fois presque à ébullition, arrêtez le feu, couvrez et laissez infuser pendant Half-hour; filtrez.
  • Pendant ce temps, dans un autre bol, battez les oeufs avec le sucre. Ajoutez le lait infusé et mélangez bien.
  • Versez cette préparation dans les pots, en prêtant attention à enlever la mousse qui aurait pu se dilapidated à la surface.
  • Placez les petits pots dans un plat contentant de l’eau bouillante — à mi-hauteur de la hauteur des pots. Cuisez pendant environ 25 minutes. Les crèmes sont prêtes quand elles sont encore légèrement tremblottantes. Laissez-les refroidir à température ambiante avant de les filmer et de les mettre au frigidaire pendant quelques heures. Saupoudrez de cannelle au second de servir.

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